The event kicked-off with Sony showing a video of their latest Hi-Res audio lineup followed by models showcasing the new products.
Marketing General Manager, Hideyuki Wada on the construction of MDR-Z7
Models showcasing flagships, NWZ-A15(left) and MDR-Z7(right)
Sony is also dwelling into the cable market, with 8 different cables engineered with Kimber Kable.
A chart onThe evolution of Sony's High-end Headphones
There were 4 different sections showcasing the new audio lineup:
The "Flagship" section:
Everything from the latest MDR-Z7, MDR-1A and MDR-1ADAC to UDA-1 and PHA-3.
MDR-Z7 paired with a UDA-1 DAC to a Sony VAIO
MDR-Z7 Headphones
The visible angled 70mm drivers
Air vents under the cups
Kimber Kable
Successor to the PHA1 and PHA2
The difference between Hi-Res and MP3 at the touch of a button. MDR-1ADAC (Headphones)
MDR-1A, with it's gold strip to differentiate itself from the MDR-1R
Sony's new flagship smartphone, Xperia Z3 was also at the event. Unlike it's predecessor, it is able to play Hi-Res audio.
Sony Xperia Z3
An interesting Music Video Recorder by Sony
Sony's Audio Cable lineup
The "Live Experience" Section:
An interesting section where you listen through headphones as two performers, enclosed in a boxed space play their instruments. This is aimed to let you "Feel the Space" and listen to the performance as though you're in that box with them.
Here Sony showcased their heavy-hitting Extra Bass lineup.
Lastly we have
The "Sports" section:
The section showcased audio companions for sporty music listeners like the wireless and waterproof WS615 Walkman.
The new products will be launched at the end of October. The MDR-Z7 is priced is RM2349 while the NWZ-A15 Walkman is priced at RM699.